


In the beginning, there had to have been more than just one Adam and one Eve … not only that but there had to have been more than one « Adam » and more than one « Eve » on each continent of our planet. Plants are different on each continent and animals are different too. It makes sense that humans turned out differently in colour, appearances and size, on different continents, just like the animals and plants; but, where are the stories about the other « Adams » and other « Eves »? Then, by extension, from where did the ribs with reproductive powers come?

My theory is that long before life started on our Earth, another Earth with some form of human life, out there in the solar system, exploded and the live debris scattered all over the universe. Some of it landed on our Earth — on different parts of our Earth; and, rib pieces that still had energy were able to connect and start new civilizations , new flora and new fauna.


As we can see from the diverse  reactions to my posting of yesterday, it is hard sometimes to talk about the creation of life on our Earth. Whether it’s the start of human life, animals or flora, the actual beginning is rarely discussed between family, friends or colleagues. I get that there really isn’t an absolute “right” answer because every theory has loose ends, but I enjoy discussing (or debating) the similarities and differences in various points of view. I absolutely know that I don’t know the right answer to how life on earth actually began, but I like putting together my possible theory with my best effort from credible resources at the helm of the exercise.

Early in my lifetime, there were two plausible explanations on how life on Earth started: the version in the Holy Books and Darwin’s theory of evolution. I always felt I had to pick one or the other!

Over time, as logical thinking somehow crept up from behind unbendable religious doctrine, and when Darwin’s theory wasn’t picking up support, slowly from behind the dark curtain of verboten scientific or intellectual discussions, surfaced plausible other theories. Plausibilities caught my attention in Philosophy classes.

I can remember thinking at the time that I better run away from those classes because philosophers like Plato, Socrates, Aristotle and Descartes were crazy men high on something other than hot air! But, their “craziness” definitely caught my attention and intrigued me. I also knew that in order to score well, in a required course, I would have to get totally into it! 

I actually did get totally into it, not through indoctrination but by opening my mind to other plausibilities. No theory is absolute. I let go of the old way of staying stuck inside a box, to thinking outside of the box on many life-related subjects thanks to those classes. It’s still not a thinking path many in my world have chosen; but, I opened that door for me, and am sure glad I did. 

So that is how I started thinking about the “Adam and Eve” situation yesterday. Their story is mystical and odd, and I took it somewhere beyond the comfort zone of others. I’m not entirely surprised by the feedback, but I know for sure I got people thinking and perhaps even talking. Thinking outside of the box is like emptying what you thought was a treasure chest … a lot of the stuff may once have been treasures, but a lot has happened since, making them disposable. Who is still actually collecting Royal Dolton China or pinwheel crystal anymore ? That was yesterday, we are now at today.

I do get that some people will not agree with me on this, but a lot things in life don’t have absolute answers or explanations. Things that used to make sense, (plastic grocery bags, leaded gas, oil furnaces, stirofoam takeout containers, fax machines, one car aerial ferries, chlorinated drinking water, smoking, shock therapy, travellers’ cheques) don’t make sense anymore. Reflection, reading, recent research findings, discussions and debates can result in better answers or explanations — that’s all part of living and learning as we go along. 

I do enjoy opening doors and challenging the brain to fill in the puzzles of life the best I can … really that is all I can do … and, most importantly, the deep thinking process is enlightening and enriches my days. 

Fitting the pieces of some puzzles together doesn’t always come easily, and some will never be completed in my lifetime; but, that’s okay. I give everything my best shot and embrace nudges along the way!

If I remember correctly, it was Plato or Aristotle who said something like: “We all only have one life to live, and how we live it through is up to us.”


I do strongly believe that living peacefully internally and dying in peace are key to living the best life possible. I also believe that “Our whole world is in our hands!” 🎼 🎶 🎵 and we all have a role to play. Watching different approaches is what inspired this trilogy … “different strokes for different folks.”

So now as I reflect on the things I said two days ago and yesterday, I  am now getting to the final curtain and just like “#one” and “#two”, the scene in Part Three is all mine for the making and yours for the taking.

The Adam and Eve scenario as presented in holy books does not make sense to me. My revision of it makes a lot more sense, and that gives me a slight sense of peace on that subject. I am now letting it go. Pushing it away. It’s gone and will never again resurface. It does not matter. It really does not matter.

The Darwin theory of evolution does score somewhat in the plausibility department except how did once brown apes turn black or white but, also, some stayed brown? Oh my gawd, I just want to say shut up already! Does it actually even matter? I’ve decided it too really does not matter, let’s just live on … no earthling actually knows and talking about it just stirs the pot, gets people worked up, angry, upset, perplexed, worried and almighty. Let’s just slot the subject under religion and politics, and carry on.

In Part 2 I made reference to philosophers. At their time, those guys were ostracized for speaking outside the box and for trying to round up supporters for a different way of thinking. A couple of them were even incarcerated. Today they are revered, honoured and respected as remarkable orators and intellectuals whose fearless expression and compassion for logic helped to get us to where we are now.

Now that I have clarified Parts one and two, carrying on is what I am doing; I found a path to steer me along a better personal mentally satisfying domaine — a domaine void of doctrine, doubt or dumbfoundedness. It’s taken me higher and higher.

The Qi Gong (Chee-gong ) path to inner peace and tranquility dates back centuries and is rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy… it is all about relaxing the body, mind and soul as an obedient specimen of Mother Earth with whom I share this planet, and of SkyWorld — a place in our atmosphere, not too far away, that radiates energy from the sun and moon to the Earth, keeping the Earth revolving and turning and liveable for humans, plants and animals, giving us seasons, daytime and nighttime, and various forms of weather. The work is reciprocal and cyclical, with each dependent on the other, giving and taking, in order for it all to work out well. 

I think earthlings who roam the sacred ground down here in Earth, along with Mother Nature, can learn a lot from that inter-dependent relationship up there in SkyWorld and how we can connect to that rhythm in much the same way as our plants and animals do.

From my short experience with Qi, I can see the correlation between what happens with cosmic energy and relationships in SkyWorld and what happens with energy and relationships down here on Earth. There is a magnetism within and between those relationships, and a strong connectivity. It is through that door that Part three will take you.

Qi is energy that fuels meditation. It awakens your conscience, clears the air, decimates the fog, releases the tears, celebrates accomplishments, and makes the heart smile, mind relax and soul feel cleansed. It’s uplifting, rejuvenating and for lack of a better way of putting it: it is energizing!

When I have a chance to go somewhere quiet and close to Nature, I usually start off with breathing in a few breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. That process sets the stage. A current of sorts is felt and a topic is selected. No topic is off limits. There are no judgments, road blocks, indoctrination tactics, monetary payments, penances or guilt trips. 

It’s just me and Qi hanging out, doing simple, easy body movements, keeping the blood flowing, muscles massaged, joints bending, neck, feet, toes, legs, fingers and arms stretching, and realizing every part of us is interconnected and dependent on each other. All the while my mind is thinking about or talking to Mother Earth or Mother Nature or the Keeper of SkyWorld, the higher entities, every step of the way. 

We remind each other to give thanks and praise for having a chance to live on Earth and acknowledge the leadership and role modeling of those higher entities. We express gratitude for how we are gifted and we gift in return with thoughts, words and gestures. We acknowledge, honour, respect and appreciate the flora and fauna, and other peoples. The process parallels non secular groups, but it is light not heavy. And, I suppose because there is no associated holy book, it isn’t yet under the definition of mainstream — but, I digress.

During this whole Qi meditation process, we earthlings, along with Mother Earth, Mother Nature and Mother of SkyWorld are very much aware of each other and present in the moment. The experience is relaxing and calming. The only objective is to feel at peace and be at peace with ourselves first and foremost, and then carry those strengths in all relationships and situations that come up.

It truly is as simple as that. Harmless and simple. The world of Qi is mental, physical and spiritual. It is open to everyone but not for everyone, and that’s okay — no harm in trying. 

May the Force be with you!”, as you enjoy life and living, and ultimately keeping our Earth liveable for yourselves and for those coming next  😉 ; isn’t that really all that matters?  The whole world is in our hands. 🎶

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