

 Qi is Key

There is a woman on Aruba who has been a phenomenal asset to hundreds of tourists and locals over the past 20+years. She teaches QiGong, Reiki and TaiChi on several beach locations, organizes special events, and supports many local charitable causes. On this International Women’s Day, I am pleased to recognize her as a pillar of admiration for all that she does for others, and for her inner self. I dedicate this poem to her.
Note: (Qi is pronounced CHEE) 


Qi is Key

May our hearts shine like crystals on March 8th and beyond

As our inner voice beckons to help us respond.

To respond to our feelings, some good and some bad

To feel our inner spirit whether happy or sad.

To recognize the diverse feelings enveloping our core

Using options like QiGong, Reiki, Tai Chi and more.

To know what’s important to keep us healthy and alive

To respect and honour the Qi radiating from the sky.

Join hands with Mother Earth who has been through a lot

Heads up and arms risen, vow to protect what we’ve got.

Hold on to those crystals for they are glimmers of hope

Their inner energy will help us to move forward and cope.

To cope with curtailing adversity, avarice and shame

Giving Mother Earth a feeling of confidence that we’re game.

We’re ready to protect her and all that she’s done

As we stand together to praise the Earth, Moon and Sun.

On this special March Day, we encourage healthier ways

To love life and enjoy living just like our inner voice prays.


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