

 Enchanting Christmas Concert  

This week I attended the “Enchanted Winter: A Journey Beyond The Classics” at a church assembly room walking distance from home. I was there to support three fellow aquafitters who are members of the Maple Ridge Choral Society. 

I found an ideal spot to get a good panoramic view of the performance and as I opened the programme, I turned back to the title page mentioning ‘beyond classics’. This was to be an out of the box concert with a repertoire of songs away from our western comfort zone of traditional Christmas musical experiences. I never imagined witnessing such boldness in a church building at Christmas time. 

Frank Zieginson, the Artistic Director, teaches a refreshed, passionate and versatile approach to musical and choral performance. He has become a trailblazer in his field and attracted a diverse audience from all walks of life, ages, genders and backgrounds, for his specially selected singers — also of all walks of life, ages, genders and backgrounds.

This Journey, as he defines his program, takes the audience on a wander and wonder road through the glory of the season, with a broadened international and historical perspective and appreciation of the essence of Christmas. The messages are vibrant and rich, from slightly the same Western narrative to slightly different, and also to very different;  yet — still lively, respectful and interesting. 


Everyone of the more than 175 guests was completely mesmerized, quiet and attentive. I watched them as they were listening to the 70 member choir. I watched them when they were listening to the smaller group of Chamber singers as well as the soloists and talented pianists. 

I could see the audience mindfully taking it all in quietly and attentively.  Their eyes were fixed on the choir and the choir master; their ears were taking it all in, and all the while their brains were being exercised and enlightened. 

The program of 18 pieces was all very intriguing, with an intellectual twist, as we all walked away realizing traditions for one may not be the traditions of all, definitely making this a ‘journey beyond’ what we were used to hearing in a Western Christmas concert.

We definitely all witnessed excellence in music and singing, and were introduced to an international repertoire beyond our own traditional ‘box’, right here in our community of Maple Ridge. It truly was an amazing performance — both enchanting and educational, leaving us with a refreshed or enhanced appreciation of the essence of the Season, and how it is musically celebrated here and elsewhere.

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