




MY chosen country turns 157 this weekend. When I was a teenager I can remember how exciting it was to learn 10 million people lived here.  Today, nearly 40 million live here.

A lot has happened since then and I am especially proud of what has been happening on the Indigenous file. I know it is a contentious issue and a difficult one for a certain type of personality, but I continue to hope more people will open their eyes, accept their education was flawed, and realise we do have the ability to step back and figure it out. We are all people.

MY pride in Canada extends to many other things as well: I live comfortably in a quiet neighbourhood and a quiet home. I hear birds chirping every morning and coyotes howling a few times a week . I can easily pick fresh berries seasonally and buy locally produced honey. I can happily breathe in fresh air everyday, and go cycling on flatland anytime when the weather suits me. I always salute democracy and recycling efforts, proudly pay taxes, and steadfastly, but subtly, wear 'proud' on my sleeve. 


Collection of short stories


It’s been launched!


Any bookstore can order it in for you. Just provide them with my full name: 


BOOK TITLE: Journaling The Journey

ISBN 9781035861798

I recommend you order from …they are on the ball and getting orders out quickly. Chapters/Indigo have signed on too. $14.00 CDN 


The stories in the book follow the main character, Tulip: a dutch lady who cycles around looking for interesting people, things and experiences. You will smile, laugh, think and imagine as you travel along.

Enjoy the ride

Medicine Wheel

Kum Ba Yah (Come By Here)

I am flying at an altitude of maybe 30,000 feet, high up in SkyWorld, thinking about a very unique and wonderful experience, somewhere between the sun setting and the moon rising, on the evening of the 2024 Summer Solstice.

I was on the northern tip of the Island of Aruba in a section called Westpunt, shadowed by a once manned, but now automated lighthouse. 

A group of us met there at an off road hideaway spot where there is a secretly designed Medicine Wheel. It’s a place of spiritual reflection, quiet meditation and terrestrial celebration. It is a special place for mourning, celebrating and ceremony. It is a place filled with symbolism, mystery and supported self help mental health magic.

I went there by invitation at a time in my life when I felt ready to step out of my comfort zone to explore and experience different things, different mindsets and different personalities. 

I do know people who would not follow in my footsteps for fear of indoctrination or because they are not comfortable around things that are a bit (or a lot) off the grid — even though they know nothing at all about whatever the opportunity would be like. Those people are a lot like how I used to be too, but somehow I have opened a few more doors and am enjoying the gathering of new knowledge based on hands on experiences.

So there we sat on the dry ground with our legs crossed and arms resting on our thighs with hands open to the sky. We sat quietly around a circle — a large compass clearly identifying the coordinates of  N,S,E,W. I sat in the section that enabled me to look North and West, because that is my homebase of British Columbia Canada. I honour my home and it would just feel too odd to turn my back on her. That spot was meant for me.

Medicine wheels stem back several centuries as a spiritual tool used by indigenous peoples around the world. They are embraced by believers to help heal the emotional, physical, spiritual and mental self. This Wheel has a central circle, ringed with nearby small rocks, in which people can place stones or crystals symbolizing a wish or an ask of the giver to the Great Spirit - much like the spiritual experience of  lighting a candle in a place of worship. 

Four spokes extend from the center circle to the four navigational points at the outer ring of rocks, creating four quadrants. In each quadrant is a specific animal displayed in rock formation: dragon (warrior); serpent (guide, protector, hero); hummingbird (love and joy); and,  eagle (Master of the sky and closest to the creator).

As the sun began to set, the Master of the evening stood and quietly explained the agenda and the symbolism of the Wheel.  We had a moment for quiet reflection and the offering of intentions to the center circle. She explained the symbolism of the chosen animals and then provided each participant with a musical instrument.  

We followed the beat of her lead on a Djemba and allowed the vibrations to open our mind, heart, soul and spirit, setting us in the mood to comfortably engage in delightful song, while the sun set and the moon rose on this incredible Summer Solstice evening. 

The selection of tunes was spontaneous and when she asked me if I had a song in mind, one sprung to mind immediately.  I proudly sang it while beating my very special water/wave tambour to the beat of the song entitled “Ah Si Mon Moine”. I have no idea why that tune came to mind but it apparently came out quite well. 

My heart became a permanent smile as I remembered the fabulous French Canadian Folklore class I took at college in Trois Rivières Québec at the age of 17. We sang that song and many others around campfires, on tour buses and in class. 

Life, and all it has to offer and experience, continues to amaze me.



Cathy and Neil gave this gift to me

While I sat near the big blue sea

The photo has a million words

All as delightful as morning birds

My life has taken an amazing turn

There’s clearly still a lot left to learn

But right now I sit with teary eyes

Feeling gifted and higher than the sky!

For those who really cannot see

How much this gift means to me

Notice the features on the bike

Tulips, colours, kickstand and light

All messages and symbols of delight!


 (No photo required)

Not  a day goes by that something suddenly surprises Tulip. While “minding her own business” one early morning at the FRONT ROW of the forever sunny beach, she lay back with her eyes closed, breathing in the fresh sea air and releasing the stale internal air into the wind.

“Tulip, quick look over there!” said her sister Iris.

A startled Tulip opens her eyes and looks in the direction of Iris’ arm. Her eyes pop open wider than ever and she momentarily loses her tongue. They look at each other aghast. In unison they start to laugh and laugh until tears come pouring down their cheeks, just like a sudden brief  rain shower. 

“Is this for real or are we dreaming?”

“It just cannot be!”

“ Oh it is real. It definitely is!”

There in front of them is a sight to weigh — a sling shot thong on the lower body of an elderly male torso, held up by the somewhat wrinkled, almost melon-like gluteous maxima. He is strutting along to enjoy some time in the water.

What makes the experience even more mindboggling is when the man is finished in the water, he signals his wife indicating he is ready to return to their palapa in row three. 

The wife obediently rushes down, and they stand face to face, with her hands on his shoulders. He walks forward and she walks backwards. They are both smiling. She shields his frontal baggage perhaps to show mercy to the aghast and dumbfounded public who cannot help but take notice of the ungodly sight, even with a side view.

Tulip turns to Iris and says: “I guess attention seeking transcends all generations and genders.”

“Yea but this is over the top, or should I say front and center, in your face, but definitely an uplifting outing for the old guy.” says Iris smiling.

“Was it the thong or the attention that made him one happy man?”

“It is not my business but it is hard to not mind!

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