


I was doing some research the other day about culinary practices in other cultures or sects. Why would I do that, you ask.

Well, over the past few decades eating habits have noticeably changed as people are becoming more conscientious about what they put into their bodies. Whether it is advice or advisors who are influencing such decisions or not, it is something worth thinking about.

Our bodies are dependent on our organs and organs function best when we treat them well. I am sure that is the premise behind the naturalists’ approach to grocery shopping, garden planting and meal preparation. 

As a person who was brought up to eat liver paté and sardines, lots of greens, whole wheat bread and rice porridge, you would think that maybe it should be easy for me to stop buying, eating and drinking the BAD stuff.  I find myself checking ads or standing in a grocery store feeling drawn to that bad stuff: chips, cheezies, ice cream, Pepsi and I come home saying: “why do I do this?” “Is there a devil in me?”

The thing is I am healthy and I feel and look healthy. And, although paté and sardines are currently no longer staples in my diet, I am going to try to draw myself away from JUNK and reintroduce healthy eating traditions.

So today is my first attempt: no chips, no cheezies, no Pepsi. Rice porridge with lots of cinnamon and raisins: YES; ice cream is on the ‘maybe’ list but I can easily say NO. Bread? Potatoes for dinner? — not today!  How about some red wine? — no harm in that (I hope!). 

Thankfully desserts have never been a staple for me in my adult life, although fresh fruit was a standard dessert growing up. Hm? Wouldn’t mind a bowl of blackberries!

Eating well all of the time does sound like an uphill challenge and everyone knows I dislike hills (literally and figuratively); but when I do conquer them, it sure feels great!  

I’m now off to the market on my bicycle — after enjoying some rice porridge. Bon appétit!

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