


I was doing some research the other day about culinary practices in other cultures or sects. Why would I do that, you ask.

Well, over the past few decades eating habits have noticeably changed as people are becoming more conscientious about what they put into their bodies. Whether it is advice or advisors who are influencing such decisions or not, it is something worth thinking about.

Our bodies are dependent on our organs and organs function best when we treat them well. I am sure that is the premise behind the naturalists’ approach to grocery shopping, garden planting and meal preparation. 

As a person who was brought up to eat liver paté and sardines, lots of greens, whole wheat bread and rice porridge, you would think that maybe it should be easy for me to stop buying, eating and drinking the BAD stuff.  I find myself checking ads or standing in a grocery store feeling drawn to that bad stuff: chips, cheezies, ice cream, Pepsi and I come home saying: “why do I do this?” “Is there a devil in me?”

The thing is I am healthy and I feel and look healthy. And, although paté and sardines are currently no longer staples in my diet, I am going to try to draw myself away from JUNK and reintroduce healthy eating traditions.

So today is my first attempt: no chips, no cheezies, no Pepsi. Rice porridge with lots of cinnamon and raisins: YES; ice cream is on the ‘maybe’ list but I can easily say NO. Bread? Potatoes for dinner? — not today!  How about some red wine? — no harm in that (I hope!). 

Thankfully desserts have never been a staple for me in my adult life, although fresh fruit was a standard dessert growing up. Hm? Wouldn’t mind a bowl of blackberries!

Eating well all of the time does sound like an uphill challenge and everyone knows I dislike hills (literally and figuratively); but when I do conquer them, it sure feels great!  

I’m now off to the market on my bicycle — after enjoying some rice porridge. Bon appétit!




A new published book entitled Journaling The Journey is about to hit the market and I am pleased to give you some background and ordering information.


The author is Antoinetta DeWit, a retired British Columbia Public Servant who has built on her passion for thinking and imagining since childhood. She is now ready to transcribe that skill into entertaining and educational short stories that fit the genre called Reality Fiction. 


The general moral or theme of each story fits into one or all of the five quotes below:

1. Writers don’t just write things. They and their work are the bricks that create a writing community. The writing community holds a wealth of thoughts and ideas that have been imagined, experienced,discussed, debated, vetted, published, and shared. The final product is read, evaluated, kept or passed on. The stories live & entertain; they may make people think, smile, and laugh; but, ultimately, they enjoy life for as long as the paper or screen upon which they are written bind them together.


2. Life is a beautiful ride when your senses are in the saddle, when you are listening, feeling, smelling, touching and tasting what is going on. Hold on to beauty in it all for that beauty is the force and fuel that will keep the wheels turning, and moving you forward.


3. Give yourself a hand and a hug every step of the way.


4. Journaling The Journey follows some of the life experience of the main character named Tulip. She is a Dutch lady whose life travels along much like a bicycle meandours through the winding pathways of meadows, parks and neighbourhoods. For her everyday is not just a story but quite often many stories, and she loves to stop now and then to write them down. 


5. There is but one life to live and one direction to go; one heart, mind and soul, and one mission to fulfill.  Treat life as a journey, a journey worth embarking upon, one step at a time. Tackle the uphills and downhills, navigate the swamps and deserts, reflect during the rain showers, and dance when the sun shines. Always, always strive to come out ahead, holding your head up. 


Author name : Antoinetta DeWit

Book title: Journaling The Journey

ISBN:9781035861798    For the print copy 

ISBN:9781035861804     For the digital copy 

Publisher: Austin Macauley Publishers LTD

1 Canada Square,

Canary Wharf, London, UK

E14 5AA


—you can order directly from them 

After June 21, 2024 you can go to a bookstore and ask them to order it for you or check out Amazon Books because they plan to have access to it as well.



Tulip is sitting on the edge of glory about to give birth to her first.

About nine months ago she was in an aqua yoga class in the local swimming pool.  She was in a crouching position with her hands on her head, looking up, then closing her eyes. She felt something powerful radiate through her whole body. She knew then and there a whole new beginning was about to happen.  She could hardly wait to get home.  A seed had been planted.

Day after day that seed began to sprout. Roots were embedding themselves into the fertile soil beneath her naked feet. Eventually the sapling developed tiny arms that were at first weak, and slowly became stronger. She dug her toes firmly into the ground determined to help it grow more and more roots, and to reach its full potential — much like a successful pregnancy going through the stages of growth trying not to worry, but almost always wondering if she was doing enough.


After the first trimester, the seedling developed stronger arms and feet, and a body that widened and rounded in good proportion. The certified Doula checked in now and then, and gave glowing reports.

The growth journey included regular check-ups, and went remarkably well with little need for added intervention. Yes there were occasional stresses, occasional worries, occasional doubts; but, all of that was easily overshadowed by the anticipated positive outcome.

As the final month approached, many other ‘doulas’ showed up. They each had a job to do and they each stayed focused on their roles so that when the water broke, the birth of a new beginning would be in very good hands. 

By now the readers of this story are firmly seated. Some might even be perplexed. But, they are all most certainly wondering when that magical new birth date would be.  They want to be ready to raise a flute filled with Prosecco, and echo a jubilant “PROOST! to new beginnings.”

Tulip is on the edge of glory as she imagines the sweet sounds of Enya music preparing the zygote inside of her for a successful entry into the world. For her, nine months definitely passed by easily and quickly. The experience of producing something from inside of her has been moving and enlightening through every phase. The help, support and encouragement from family, friends and even complete strangers, all along the way, has been phenomenal. Would she do it all over again — absolutely. 

“Keep the cycle going,” she replies.

(Due date June 21, 2024)



I had a flashback this morning as I finally got myself seriously focused on a task I have set aside for long enough. It really isn’t in my nature to procrastinate, but there are a few things in life that I just can’t get down to doing. I’m sure I am not alone in admitting this and now that I have, maybe others will own up to it as well.

So, I set out to figure out a way to motivate my mind to relax. I needed to convince it that not everything in life is easy and not everything is fun, but they are just things that need to be done.

At that point I stopped and remembered sitting in a grand Cathedral in Florence, Italy. I was drawn to it because I heard an intriguing sound echoing through the cobblestone street. It wasn’t instrumental, but definitely sounded musical. 

My curiosity got me to walk into a darkened amphitheater of sorts, with lit candles everywhere, a faint sense of incense, and a few people sitting in old wooden varnished brown chairs. They seemed to sit there like zombies, very calm and definitely quiet, as they listened to the vibrations of a chorus of vocal sounds coming from a group of robed men behind a huge altar. 

I sat there for what seemed like a very long time and the sounds went on to infinity. There was no break. It was mesmerizing and intriguing but when I felt like I was being drawn into a cult-like world, I got up and slowly walked out. 

A couple of monks were standing outside and I boldly asked them what that was all about. They explained it was a Gregorian Chant session to help anxious, worried, sad and grieving people relax. I thanked them for letting me know, and then I walked away, admitting to myself that I actually did feel very relaxed and appreciated learning something new. After all, I was only in my 30s and who knows when such an experience might come in handy.

Well I figured now is a good time to see if it can work for me when it comes to accomplishing unappealing, boring but necessary home-based tasks, that have been heavily on my mind for far too long. 

I googled “432 Gregorian chants” and UTube popped up with a three hour session. I sat back with both bare feet on the ground, both eyes closed and both of my arms spread out across my living room sofa. I’m not sure how long I stayed focused, but at some point I opened my eyes and said “okay, get to it.”

And, “Get to it” I did. With the chant continuing in the background, I got all the components of the task together in one place and said “you are not diverting to anything else until this is done.”

I think it only took me thirty minutes to complete the task, and now  when I think about all the times I nudged myself saying “yes yes it is on my To Do list”, postponing and postponing, and letting it bother me, I put my mind and body through so much angst!

The morale of this story is when you know something needs to be done get relaxed and do it; when you know something needs to be said get relaxed and say it. I’m all for making life a beautiful ride and 432 hz music, AquaYoga, QiGong, cycling and forest walks definitely work for me!


When our mothers pass from earth to sky

And we face life on our own

Don’t seek to answer the question “why?”

But realise we are not alone.

Their voice and spirit guide us through

Whatever comes our way

No matter what we did or do

We know just what they’d say.

“Stand tall and proud my sweet child

Keep doing the best you can

Living wild or living mild

What counts is where you land.”

Yes Mother dear you were so right

I’m where I’m supposed to be

You may now be out of sight

But your smile I clearly see.

Happy Mother’s Day 

Antoinetta DeWit

May 2024

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