



Most communities across Canada recognize Earth Day in April. As each year unfolds there is a growing trend of more initiatives in business practices, home-based efforts and personal decision making to understand and appreciate the very real connection between humanity and our Earth. We all have a role to play.

Awhile back, while getting the feel of AquaYOGA and qiGong exercises, something cerebral happened. I zoned out and went into a quiet trance-like state. I didn’t fight it, but just let it happen. It was mysterious and kind of magnetic, and put me into a completely relaxed state of calm and peace of mind. (No I hadn’t smoked anything before hand.) It was a type of energy that put me into a domain I had never entered before. It was very comforting and pleasant. I’m believing it had something to do with messaging from Mother Earth or Mother Ocean or my mother in heaven who has discovered something from which I could benefit. It is all still very mystifying, but I am listening, hearing the message and playing along. I am believing there is a connection between humanity and something intangible within the Earth or the heavens. That feeling is catching on as more and more people jump on board. This is but one of the personal sides of Earth Day — the self-centered one. The Earth and things beyond the stratosphere are communicating with us and we need to listen.

The other sides of embracing Earth Day also relate to individual efforts to reuse, reduce and refuse. It’s about the choices we make when we buy things or go places. Smart choices sometimes mean we need to give something up. I like to try the challenge and see what happens, and most often nothing impossible to accept happens. I have been cycling far more now than ever before in my lifetime. At first it seemed like a bother, but now it is my first choice for local travel. I like to make that choice easier for others by supporting bicycle giveaways and safer cycling infrastructure in my community.

When government jumped on board and implemented environmental laws dictating the role of citizens, there was outcry, protests, boycotts, unlawful behavior…but, eventually the dust settled and slowly most people caught on. As bothersome as it was (and is) to have to separate waste, it is making a difference: we are helping Mother Nature and helping the health of our planet. Equally as importantly, we are helping each other, ourselves and future generations. The ultimate stubborn types, thankfully a minority, can’t see beyond the cement wall they’ve erected around their brains; but, the rest of us are doing a pretty good job at working around them.

Humanity and the Earth, and the mysteries beyond, are interdependent and interconnected. So on Earth Day and every day, whether it’s our personal life choices or government policies or business practices, let’s continue to plant healthy “seeds” in our lives, help them grow with confident roots, and serve us and our planet well forever more.

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