


Currently, somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean there are a bunch of rowing boats doing the most incredible of journeys known as « The World’s Toughest Row ».

The annual rowboat race across the Atlantic Ocean began in early December, with teams participating from around the world. The annual event starts in the village of San Sebastián in La Gomera, Canary Islands, ending in Antigua. The 3000 mile journey is most definitely an experience of a lifetime, a life changing achievement, for everyone involved. 

But, there are more than just the rowers, organizers and locals who feel the adrenaline and excitement. 

Recently I was at a friend’s annual Dutch Oliebollen New Year’s Eve brunch in Pitt Meadows. Many of the people there talked about a team of four marine scientists, one of which is known to them personally. They follow the journey daily online; they share in the excitement and marvel in the extremes of this incredible adventure. 

The four female teammates go by the team name of Salty Science. Their journey started about two years ago with intensive training, organizing and fundraising.  If I understood the daily routine accurately, two of them row while the other two rest in a semi covered spot at the front or back of the boat. They switch every two hours and they have learned how to sleep in a somewhat relaxed sitting slouch. They are united by a shared passion for marine conservation and striving to raise $500,000 to train the next generation of scientists who will develop solutions to global ocean challenges. So far they have reached half of their fundraising goal.

If you are interested in following this incredible journey, a true test of physical and mental endurance on the often wild and scary unpredictability of the mighty Atlantic Ocean, check out the team’s website at .

Our world, the one that revolves around our everyday lives, is  filled with interesting experiences and people.

Getting out to meet new people or even engaging in conversations about things friends have experienced from day to day, often opens up a whole new world of intrigue and interests … this was one that happened to me this week.  


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