
A Blast From Our Past


This week I saw an advertisement that flashed me back into nostalgia mode — “$1.49 Day Tuesday.”  Can you hear the jingle?

Back in the day and even before I was born, a big department store named Army and Navy and another big department store named Woodwards, featured $1.49 Day sales on some Tuesdays. Another big department store named Eatons featured an occasional sale called Eaton’s Surprise Sale.  

All three events became the talk of the town and of the dinner tables across the regions in which those stores existed. People would come from far and wide — by foot, bicycle, car or public transit. It was ‘the’ sale of sales and not to be missed. It was ‘the’ time to stock up on toilet paper, Kleenex, hosiery, underwear, socks, Spam, canned goods, light bulbs, cleaning supplies and so much more. Amassing the bargains was an amazing experience for the shoppers and the businesses — a win-win all around.

At some point in the 1980s, those experiences ended — until now!

What we have experienced this week is like the phoenix rising from the ashes and bringing new life to a long lost treasure: $1.49 Day. We have been gleefully caught off guard with a pairing of very fine wine and aged cheese — namely,  a Surprise Sale and a selection of incredible healthy items for $1.49 combined for one day: Tuesday! 

Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, ham, milk, and almost a dozen other items. Supplies were advertised to be limited but the stores were well stocked and the people, those who knew about the sale and those that did not, were stunned and amazed as they loaded their baskets with that “start the car, start the car” look. 

Kudos to Save on Foods for taking a giant step forward (or some might say backward) and bringing back a spring in the step of shoppers during these tough economic times. This is the right time for corporate giants to show leadership even if it is only going to happen on occasional Tuesdays. It not only benefits the pocketbook, but helps get healthy, often expensive foods, on the table. 

It only takes one to make a snowball and turn it into something bigger. Thank you Save On Foods. Such a sale  is a win-win — let’s hope other businesses catch on!



THERE is a quaint Dutch town only eight kilometres south of the British Columbia/Washington State border. It is called Lynden and it is now one of the largest Dutch American communities in the USA.

A small group of Dutchies settled there in the 1800s, followed by many others in that century, and the next, influencing the town’s history, culture and ambiance — much of which is still obvious today. It’s a community of about 12,000 and its economy depends on dairy, berry, grain, hops and vegetable farms, as well as tourism.

“Holland Days,” a Dutch Cultural festival, started in 1985. this two day Spring event, features costumed shopkeepers and Dutch Klompen (wooden shoes) dancers, and Dutch food. In the 1980s, Lynden remodeled part of Front Street in a Dutch theme, complete with a windmill. There is now also a Dutch bakery and restaurant in the town.

One of the showcase events of this part of Washington State is the annual tulip festival, an experience enjoyed by thousands of people who come from all over the region to witness the vibrant blooming of Spring.

Whether it’s festival time or just an ordinary day, Lynden is like a hidden jewel in the middle of nowhere, making itself somewhere worth seeing and experiencing!

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