Babble On
Hyacinth, Myrtle and Muffin, a trio of babbling babes in the local QiYoga club, continue to raise the ire and eyebrows of everyone in the class. They are three widowed, midget mammals with sad, lonely lives, isolated and alone, oblivious to the negativity spewing their way from genuine class participants.
As the others feel the power of the connection between the heart, mind, soul and earth, and successfully release the tension and stress of their everyday lives, Hyacinth, Myrtle and Muffin remain completely disconnected from the goals and objectives of QiYoga, completely disconnected from the camaraderie around them, and completely disconnected from who they really are.
Yet, the rest of the class soldiers on and ponders over the trio’s constant need to present an air of arrogance and imagined superiority, all the while being ostracized and dismissed as sad, lonely women yearning for attention, any attention, to fill their innate lonely lives.
Sadness dominates the room as the three chit chat and whisper, joke and laugh, make funny faces and occasionally caress each other’s arms as though accidental during the arm stretching exercises of the moment. Once an accident, okay; twice or more, not so much!
Occasionally one or more of them look around and catch the eyes of onlookers, attempt to draw them in, only to be asked to turn around and pay attention to the instructor. Such encounters create a quick angry exchange, followed by another babble session between the three of them that goes on ad nauseam, creating more ire and spews more negativity in their direction. Yet it is their very presence that enhances the goals of QiYoga, leading participants to feel and acknowledge the bad around them, to take it in, but to breathe it out and away from the body, heart, mind and soul. That transformation strengthens their mental health, personal vitality and inner wisdom.
Through the power of QiYoga, genuine participants smile at each other after class and go home feeling relaxed and calm, happy to be alive and living with an inner peace that they feel and embrace with pride and confidence.
Meanwhile, Hyacinth, Myrtle and Muffin continue to babble on with each other up to the moment they leave the complex, and to themselves as they drive the lonely ride home — their place of emptiness and isolation, until the next class. They’ve missed the QiYoga boat …it continues to sail on without them, but there is always hope for them to steer the rudder into the right direction.
Right now, however, it is indeed a sad, dark portrait, one that Spanish Impressionist El Greco would have easily painted, and which would also easily be the subject of many “Why so art thou?”, dissertations for PhD psychology candidates.
Meanwhile, the rest of the participants have their hearts centered, breathing in to high mountain pose, breathing out to the ultimate feeling of relaxation, grateful for the power of Qi, leaving them in a zen zone that celebrates, embraces, values and prefers the medicinal impact of breathing and stretching, over the flapping of the tongue!