
My First Senior's Moment


There was a Facebook ad on one of my group Facebook pages a few weeks ago inviting me to attend a free showing of a movie called A Christmas Story. It was billed as a special event for seniors and a fundraiser for the local FoodBank. The sponsors were the Cineplex Odeon theatre, the Pitt Meadows Seniors Society, Starbucks and the BC Association of Community Response Networks. This would be my very first seniors’ event.

Upon arrival, I was greeted at the door by a young lass who checked my credentials and led me to the first of three welcome tables. One was to check my name off a list, the second was to collect swag such as a key chain, notebook, pens, eraser, screen wipe cloth, calendar, magnet and pillbox.  The pillbox really through me into a spin, but the other stuff was much appreciated. The third table was Starbucks where I got a nice sized lemon danish and was offered coffee and tea. 

As we sat and waited for the movie to start, the volunteer coordinator was at the front with a microphone thanking us for coming and telling us why the event was taking place — to raise awareness of the work being done by the Seniors’ Centre and the community during this COVID-19 era, and expressing appreciation of our support for the Food Bank.  Following the speeches there was a door prize draw.  

With a crowd of 200 people and about a dozen door prizes, I felt sure I would win something.  After six draws, I was beginning to feel sceptical and then the next draw was announced as something from the HandyDart service.  “Oh, great”, I said to my self. “I hear my name coming!”  Sure enough — my name was called. Suddenly that pillbox came to mind making this senior life too close too soon.

The lady behind me said if I cannot use it, she knew of someone who could.  I replied by saying well let me open the envelope just to be sure I didn’t misunderstand.  I carefully opened the envelope and there was a note saying compliments of The HandyDart service and attached was a $25 grocery gift card.  I sat down and smiled.

This was a great way to start my life in the world of seniors!

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